
2024 Women's Golf Week

Videotron Business Women's Golf Pro-Am presented by Adidas Golf 

This event stems from the initiative of professional Anne Rogerson who during the COVID year in 2021 had organized a virtual pro-am. The first edition was played in Hillsdale in 2022, with the 2nd edition in La Tempête crowning champion the professional Philippe Gariépy's team.

On July 15, the third edition and not the least was presented as part of the activities of the women's golf week. 

Before the round, clients and some employees of our partner Videotron Business benefited from the advice of 7 professionals (Sylvie Schetagne, Anne-Marie Gouin, Lysane Paquin, Lyne Thibodeau, Anne Rogerson, Maria Veronica Noriega) and Jean-Charles Côté Sauvé, who is the golf director at Le Blainvillier, the host club.

It was on the fairways of the Heritage course in a friendly 4-ball Vegas formula that 106 amateur, 14 professionals and 16 women professionals competed in this 3rd edition. 

The team of Le Mirage with professional Caroline Ciot, accompanied by Sonia Anderson, Francine Leclerc and Marie-Chantal Dion (3 Mirage members) won the pro-am with a score of -10 (62). 


The evening continued with a cocktail reception where Justine St-Martin (Sortez, golfez & TVA Sports), Elizabeth Rancourt (TVA Sports) and Florence Gagnon (Hiatus Golf) inspired us with personal stories of their journeys and how they have made their mark as women in their field.

IMG_8015Élizabeth Rancourt (TVA Sports)
IMG_8019Justine St-Martin (Sortez, golfez & TVA Sports)
IMG_8021Florence Gagnon (Hiatus Golf)

Eagle Experience, the official travel agency of the PGA of Québec, generously offered a trip for 2 people to Morocco at Mazagan Golf Resort. Sophia Rhafir was the lucky winner. Oh, how happy she was!

IMG_8043Éric Couture (General Manager, PGA of Quebec), Bastien Lacour (Eagle Experience), Sophia Raphir and Alexis Passion (Eagle Experience)

The day after the pro-am, the rest of the activities of the women's golf week allowed 28 junior female golfers to benefit from a free clinic led by the professionals: Anne Rogerson, Lysane Paquin, Valérie Tanguay, Alexandra Pelletier, Élise Paiement and Steve Foisy.

AnneAlexAlexandra Pelletier and Anne Rogerson with their group of young golfing girls
SteveSteve Foisy of Foisy Golf Académie

The demonstration of " LONG DRIVE " with Savannah Meyer-Clement, who is currently ranked7th in the world in the World Long Drive , delighted many. Teeshots of more than 300 yards were hit.  The young girls had stars in their eyes!

GirlsThank you to Club de golf Le Blanvillier for opening their doors wide  to accommodate us inside their Performance Center on this rainy evening.

On July 17, the panel on The Future of Women's  Golf powered by Hiatus Golf, in collaboration with Golf Québec and the PGA of Québec, opened great discussions on a number of topics ranging from the practice of golf accessible and attractive to all to the various experiences lived by the panelists Anne Rogerson, Ji-Hee Shin and Marie-Pier Breton. 

IMG_8436 2Florence Gagnon (Hiatus Golf), Ji-Hee Shin (PGA of Québec professional), Anne Rogerson (PGA of Québec professional) and Marie-Pier Breton (Flexi-Golf)
IMG_8438 2
AccesphysioThank you Accès Physio for your expertise!
The next PGA of Québec event is the Callaway Team and Pro-Am Championship at the Parcours du Vieux Village on July 24th.